Every Month on Exchange Extra, we take sixty seconds out to get to know our team. Follow us on our journey to connect all members of our network.

This month we introduce you to Patrick Campbell!

Name: Patrick (Paddy) Campbell

Job title: head of IT

Location: Palestra

Hi Paddy! Please sum up your role in one sentence

To support Arriva Rail London growth and performance, by delivering effective and innovative Tech/Digital solutions to colleagues and customers.

Tell us about your journey to ARL…

Born and bred in Norn Iron (Northern Ireland for those of you who don’t speak our dialect) and a long time London resident. I was a day 1 customer when LO started operating the ELL even if it didn’t stray too far from Rotherhithe back then. Workwise, I’ve been running IT Departments for start-ups/dot-coms and large companies like ITV, Virgin Group and Global Blue.

What do you look forward to most working at ARL?

The wonderful welcome has given me into the ‘railway family’, and if I’m allowed a second, the opportunity to help colleagues and customers have a better, more productive, and better-informed work and travel life.

In your career so far, what are you most proud of?

Probably leading the deployment of the Resource Scheduling system at ITV. This is similar in many ways to the tools used in Control and Fleet and Rostering and Payroll, although not as safety critical! No-one has ever been injured if a make-up trolly didn’t make it to a studio in time, I believe.

Tell us about your most memorable railway trip…

Probably that first trip on LO from Rotherhithe, watching in fascination looking up the full length of the train as it snaked around some of the tight bends.

If you could book a ticket to any destination, where would you go?  

Back to the Rocky Mountains, I hired a motorbike and just went touring in Canada a while ago, such an adventure.