Suzanne Patterson, head of operational HR, explains how your feedback makes Arriva Rail London a better place to work
Participating in the survey leads to positive change
FACT: We can only implement ideas or tackle issues with colleagues sharing their thoughts. Colleagues having a voice is vitally important for any business so it can gather valuable feedback to help drive change and make improvements.
We are focusing on three key areas in response to last year’s survey
FACT: To ensure feedback is addressed, senior leaders have been driving improvements in three areas. The first is career progression and personal development. The second is open and honest communication, including better local engagement, and the third is working conditions, including employee accommodation, equipment, systems and processes.

It’s not worth doing the survey as my answers won’t make a difference where I work
FICTION: A lot of work is done to follow up on the raw data and to ensure action is implemented locally. For example, focus groups within revenue protection and security have resulted in new ideas and feedback, such as setting up wellbeing clinics – which are being arranged – and improving the RPI toilets at Gospel Oak, which have now been refurbished.
Nothing has been done since the 2022 survey
FICTION: Action has already been taken in each of the three key areas. For example, on working conditions, brand new facilities for drivers at Euston have opened, as well as other mess room improvements. Our rate for internal hires has risen to 41 per cent – double the UK average cited by LinkedIn – and channels like the one you are reading, LOdown and Exchange Extra are helping better communicate your stories and company updates. Plus, there’s more to come.
The 2023 survey runs from 4 to 22 October
FACT: It will be a digital survey, so look out for QR codes and links which will be sent via email and passed on by line managers. It’s your opportunity to make positive change, so I’d urge everyone to take part.