Darren Strickett, our information security manager, helps sort the fact from the fiction when it comes to keeping bad bots and cyber crooks at bay

We need to be on our guard all the time

FACT: As a key part of London’s infrastructure, we are a prominent target – and cyber criminals never take a day off. It’s a constant threat but one that, with vigilance, we can protect against.

Our IT teams protect us against cyber attacks

FACT: We do, both reactively and proactively. Our team, supported by Arriva Group, constantly blocks threats, updates anti-virus software, email filters and other systems. Common threats include phishing – an unexpected message asking you to respond with personal information or data, and malware – something installed on your device to damage or collect data, often via an email asking the user to click a link or open a document. My role is to look at our data and policies, identify any gaps and see how we can strengthen our security even more.   

So, if our IT teams are on the case, it’s not my responsibility

FICTION: We intercept the vast majority of threats but just one person’s data being accessed can be a foot in the door for a cyber crook. This could then expose systems and data companywide. Colleagues need to be vigilant and let our IT service desk know if they see anything suspicious, so we can investigate. Even if you have opened a suspicious email, it’s not too late – we can still act very quickly to protect you and the business.

There’s nothing we can do to stop determined hackers

FICTION: Cyber criminals are relentless, but we are well protected. We have access to the latest software and expertise across the tech and rail industries, the government and the National Cyber Security Agency. The risks are greatly reduced if colleagues follow basic online safety steps and report anything suspicious.

Some simple steps can keep me and the business protected

FACT: Use strong passwords and change them regularly. Don’t write them down or pass them on; don’t use the same password for multiple apps. These steps really do make a difference. Also, be vigilant with emails – always ask: “Is it asking for personal information? Is it pressuring me to take action?” If in doubt, don’t click or reply but contact the service desk.

Contact the IT service desk: 020 3031 9292
