With summer holidays around the corner, The Village has several deals to entertain the kids all week long.

  1. Buy tickets from only £4.49, dependent on location. Vue Cinemas | The Village (

2.      Save up to 24% on Madame Tussauds London tickets. Madame Tussauds London | The Village (

3.      Save up to £20 on Merlin Annual pass per person. Merlin Annual Pass | The Village (

4.      Save up to 20% on SeaLife London tickets (compared to on-the-day walk up price). SEA LIFE London | The Village (

5.      Save 10% on your bill in-store. Pizza Hut | The Village (

6.      Earn 2% on breaks online. Holiday Extras Airport Parking & Hotels | The Village (

7.      Save 12% on redeemable bill vouchers at all Café Rouge, Bella Italia and Las Iguanas restaurants. The Restaurant Card | The Village (

8.      Save 6% on purchases in-store. Primark | The Village (

9.      Save 6% on all purchases in-store and online. Halfords | The Village (

10.   Earn 6% on accommodation bookings. | The Village (