On Thursday 27 April, ARL came together to celebrate the Long Service Awards 2023 at The Marriott in Maida Vale.
Two hundred and thirty-three colleagues reached a milestone this year, clocking up a total of 3,035 years between them! Of those who attended, we had more than 650 years represented within a range of roles from drivers, revenue protection inspectors and customer hosts, to name a few.
Twenty-four awards were handed out on the night, including to six colleagues who had served 30-35 years. Alongside Jonathan Fife who has served an incredible 40 years on the railway.
“It’s always nice to attend and hear about everyone’s career highlights. Meeting all their partners that support them along the way.” - Matt Pocock, operations director
Toni-Anne Davis had the opportunity to speak with several colleagues who were awarded on the night during the opening drinks reception.
“I enjoy the solitude and the lifelong friendships you make along the way. I’ve travelled with a number of my colleagues and their wives. Another perk I enjoy is when children say thank you driver as they leave.” -Derek Stephenson, driver - 20 years.
“It feels amazing to be recognised for my hard work. It is not easy being a revenue protection inspector, but I am now known as the mother of the station. During my time here I was a part of a campaign that was viewed on all trains; customers were always recognising me at the station, asking if it was me, so I felt a little famous every time I arrived at the station. It is like relieving that moment with everyone celebrating you today.” - Michelle Smith, revenue protection inspection - 20 years.
“When I started, I wanted to initially stay for maybe 5-10 years. Here I am 30 years later, throughout my career I have had several roles from driver to manager to driver instructor. My favorite one out of them has definitely been driver instructor.” - Runman Allahwala, driver - 30 years
“During the lockdown, this young bloke came up to me interested in the fact that I am a woman driver. He asked me my age and said, ‘they still let you drive at your age. Absolutely hilarious!’” - Tanya Browne, driver - 20 years.
“I am still considered a baby driver with 20 years here. Amongst all the drivers with 30 and 40 years’ experience.” - Zeki Duzgun, driver - 20 years.
“I applied for a role within the rail industry not sure what it was. I later found out it was for a cleaner, a lot of people left the induction, but I stayed. As I worked, I applied for a number of roles throughout my career, before applying to become a driver. I failed the test the first time but everyone in my group failed too. I think it was set up that way. I passed the second time, and the rest is history.” - Raj Barber, driver instructor - 35 years.
“My favourite thing about working here has been all the opportunities I have been given. I have been in a number of roles throughout the years. Starting my career as a GPR with LOROL.” - Sarah Karouki, customer experience controller - 20 years.
“The advice I would give to anyone that wants to work in the railway would be to train to be a driver. It is a very challenging experience, but it is so rewarding as you feel that sense of accomplishment once you finish. Being a driver really is the best and most secure job you could have. As you work you never stop learning. As experienced as I am, I really do learn something new every day.” - Jonathan Fife, driver instructor - 40 years.
The evening started with a speech from Paul Hutchings, managing director, outlining how great it was to be surrounded by those that have committed their lives to the railway. Each presentation that followed began with a dedicated citation by their line managers or colleagues, with photos from some of their first ID cards encouraging roars of laughter from the audience. As we led up to the final award the whole room stood up to celebrate Jonathan Fife and his 40 years of service.
Thank you, Chris Heathfield, HR advisor, and the HR team, for organising a great night of celebration!