This year, White Ribbon Day falls on the same week as the start of the FIFA Men's World Cup and will highlight 11 traits men and boys can nurture to help create a world of equality and safety for women - That's #THEGOAL for White Ribbon Day 2022.

Here at Arriva Rail London to offer our support, we've displayed the following graphic on our TVDM screens across our network.

What is White Ribbon Day?

White Ribbon is the leading UK charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls (*Violence against women, means “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”. United Nations (1994) A/RES/48/104 )

Their aim is to change long established, and harmful, attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that perpetuate gender inequality and men’s violence against women. 

Why are white ribbons worn?

White Ribbon UK’s work is preventative, their mission is to end violence before it starts. The reality is that most violence against women is committed by men. We work to make sure all men realise that they can take responsibility for thinking about their own actions, promote equality and respect, and are prepared to call out harassing, sexist and violent behaviour when they see it in others.

They encourage everyone, especially men and boys to make the White Ribbon Promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women.

How can we offer further support?

The White Ribbon Campaign runs all year round, and works to raise awareness of violence against women, encouraging men to support women’s groups and raise awareness in schools and workplaces, of violence against women, and to raise money for the White Ribbon Campaign. The campaign distributes awareness information to schools, supports a website and run events, and works tirelessly to prevent violence against women.

Their voice is strengthened by working with thousands of individuals and organisations to educate, raise awareness, and campaign to bring about change.  Their Accredited Organisations, Supporter Organisations, White Ribbon Ambassadors and Champions work with them across England and Wales.  

Please visit  www.whiteribbon.org.uk/ for more information